Relive Baby’s First Achievements With Newborn Photographer Morningside Loves

Though giving birth to your baby and living with them for the first months or years is an unforgettable experience, eventually memories can fade and you only remember the key moments. With Leesa Perry Photography, you will no longer have to worry about forgetting how your newborn looked while asleep, or the individual creases in their skin. Perry, an accredited, award-winning photographer, has shot photographs of newborns for six years and understands the delicate process of photographing young babies. Her careful handling of babies and her enthusiasm for children make her stand out as a newborn photographer Morningside and Brisbane residents love.

Living in Morningside, near the heart of Brisbane, you can rely on a fellow Brisbane resident to capture the first moments of your newborn child. Memory can be faulty and newborn babies age so quickly that they soon barely resemble their youngest selves. Perry also knows that babies can be finicky. As a newborn photographer Morningside residents can quickly visit, parents and children don’t have to spend time going out of town for quality photographs.

The photos, with their vintage tones, hearken back to the days of the innocence and precious nature of newborn babies. Perry’s flexibility allows for parents to both be in the frame with the child, or the child to be alone posed in blankets, baskets or other pieces. These options make Perry a newborn photographer Morningside residents know cares about her clients, and will work with them to take the best photos you can possess.

Studio located in Wakerley, Brisbane, QLD