RissWhat a beautiful little baby! I could be a bit biased 🙂 you have done an amazing job. They are stunning photosReplyCancel
Cheryl SheriffHi Leesa, Congratulations on the beautiful photos of Charlotte. I was Riss and Scott’s doula and was over visiting them yesterday. I was referring to Lana Bell..Little posers but Lana is now in northern NSW. Just wondered if you would like to link up. I am new to facebook so maybe that is a good way to refer to each other. My website is http://www.idealbirth.com.au
Riss suggested I make contact with you. If you have any brochures you could post them out to me at Cheryl at Ideal Birth P.O. Box 1296 Indooroopilly and I would be happy to give them out at pre natal sessions.
Warm regards,