Little Hope was 3 months old when she came to visit – talk about adorable!!
How clever am I?…squeezing in a blog post before school drop-off?! This absolutely gorgeous expectant mother just radiates the pregnant glow. (I’m quite sure I never did!) 😉 Little Lucy slept through her entire session, smiled at the camera on cue, and totally rocked the little lavender pant and bonnet set I whipped up 🙂...
I’m a wee bit behind in the old blog posts – oops! There is nothing better then photographing a gorgeous Mum and her bump, then waiting with anticipation for the arrival of the sweet little person who kicked and squirmed throughout the shoot 😉 This little princess surprised us all by arriving 2 weeks early!...
CathrynSoooo much cuteness…!!!!!! Love it!!!
blogThank you Cathryn 🙂 She was gorgeous.